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Mindful Weight Loss
Vivek Gupta


Medical Weight Loss Clinic located in Redondo Beach,CA

It takes some time to develop a diet that works for you while keeping track of what you eat. At Mindful Weight Loss in Redondo Beach, California, medical weight loss and nutrition expert Vivek Gupta, MD, MPH, simplifies the process of finding a healthy diet. He also offers a meal replacement program that can help you reset your relationship with food. To find out more about your body’s nutritional needs and how you can use nutritional management for weight loss, call Mindful Weight Loss today or request an appointment online.

Nutritional Management Q&A

What is nutritional management?

Nutritional management lets you plan and track each of the meals you eat so you know what you’re putting into your body. At Mindful Weight Loss, nutritional management is a key component of every individualized weight-loss plan. Dr. Gupta evaluates your body’s needs and your own preferences to select a sustainable diet.

Dr. Gupta asks about your current diet and evaluates your health with a 60-minute intake evaluation. He also performs an initial body composition analysis, and monthly analyses thereafter, to monitor your progress. 

The same diet plan doesn’t work for everyone, and you might need to try a few in order to find one that works for your lifestyle and is sustainable. With Dr. Gupta’s help, you’ll find a diet that’s a good fit for you.

What are some of my dietary options?

Dr. Gupta can integrate almost any safe and effective nutritional plan into your weight-loss treatment, including many of the most popular diets that you might already be familiar with. A few of your options are

Low carb

Low-carb diets limit your carbohydrate intake to a certain number of grams each day. It helps your body switch to using fat as its main energy source instead of carbs. The South Beach diet is a milder version of a traditional low-carb diet. 


A vegan diet fully eliminates meat and other animal products, including dairy and gelatin. It often works well for weight loss with the right guidance because it can be rich in fiber and can include a large volume of food, making you feel full for a long time after a meal. 


The popular paleo diet eliminates processed foods, grains, legumes, and dairy. While following it, you’ll primarily eat foods that hunter-gatherers ate before the advent of modern agriculture. This includes vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, meats, and fish. 


The Mediterranean diet is particularly healthy for your heart and centers around foods that people consume in Mediterranean countries like Greece and Italy. You’ll eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, spices, and healthy fats like olive oil daily, while limiting red meat in your diet. You’ll also eat poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, and yogurt in moderation. 

How do meal replacements fit into my nutritional management?

Mindful Weight Loss also offers a meal replacement program that allows you to get the calories your body needs without consuming a full meal. They include shakes, smoothies, nutritional bars, and even some soups.

Dr. Gupta can help you decide whether to use partial or full meal replacements. Partial meal replacements only account for some of the calories in your day and you can still consume one or two full meals. Full meal replacements include all of the calories in your day. 

Meal replacements can alter your relationship with food and help you simplify your diet. Plus, the meal replacements available at Mindful Weight Loss vary in their flavors and types so you won’t get bored easily. 

Schedule your first evaluation for nutritional management by phone or online at Mindful Weight Loss today.

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